We Offer professional and humane wildlife removal, relocation, and exclusion services. NO chemicals, NO poisons.
And now for one of my favorite animals, The Opossum!
Opossums (Brit), or possums (U.S.A.), are not the most intelligent of animals, but what they lack in PhD.'s they more than makeup for in cuteness. An Deland opossum in Florida typically weighs between four and ten pounds. Inside the opossum's skull, the area that holds the brain is so small that the skull has a visible bone ridge whose purpose is to give the opossum a large enough skull for the jaw muscles to attach to. Even though the opossum looks like a giant rat, they are not related at all. An average opossum has long, wire-like gray fur, with a pink tale, a slender snout, a pink nose, and black eyes. Opossums are north America's only marsupial (an animal with a pouch like a kangaroo) and they possess more teeth than any other mammal in North America, four rows of razor-sharp teeth. The back paw of a possum has four toes and a thumb-like opposable "big toe". Opossums can be found throughout most of America. Opossums prefer low, damp, wooded streams and swamps. In many ways, possums have more problems than some other animals. Not only, are they limited in intelligence, but they are also slow and lumbering, and are easily killed by coyotes, wild dogs, and owls. Where the opossum shines over other animals is in the reproduction arena, and here it is a true champion. An average female opossum will have two litters a year, each with between 16 to 20 babies. The gestation period for a possum is just12 days , the shortest gestation period of any animal in the world. They peek out from mamas pouch two months after being born. Young opossums remain with their mother for 3 to 4 weeks after leaving the pouch. It is during this period that you often see them traveling on the backs of their mother. Young opossums are weaned at two and half months of age and are independent at three and a half. Opossums do not have a long life span. In the wild, they typically live about two years and in captivity, about four. Female possums are biologically mature by 6 to 7 months, and males by 8 to 9 months. Opossums are active throughout the year but slow down during Florida's cold snaps. They live often in trees. Other favorite sites may include brush piles, armadillo burrows, gopher tortoise burrows, crawl spaces under houses, and attics. Opossums are omnivorous and will eat just about anything, but they especially like frogs, snakes, mice, rats, and any dead animal. Opossums do not have territories. They simply wander around living a nomadic life. We often get calls from customers asking how to catch opossums, removal of opossum, general questions about opossums in Florida,
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We service the following areas
Lake county
Orange County
Seminole county
Volusia County
Flagler County
Putnam county
Eastern Marion
St. Johns County
Brevard County

Mama and babies out for a stroll
Playing possum is a real thing. When threatened they can slow breathing, let the tongue hang out, release a dead animal stink, and will tolerate poking, even being bitten by another animal. They do this because most animals do not eat carapace.
Are possums driving your dog nuts? Possums or ANY animal under your home? Possums in the attic? Want to know about opossums & rabies? Noise in the attic? Opossum spotted in your garage? Feces in your attic or garage? Opossum spotted in your yard? Deland opossum, lake mary opossum, longwood opossum, clermont opossum, virtually all of Central Florida! No mater what is going on with opossums or any other wildlife issue, call the local professionals at Expert Wildlife Solutions for "Once and done" warranted and humane animal solutions!
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